Landowner Responsibilities
Make sure the district has your correct mailing address, your physical address, your email and cell number, it is very helpful for us to be able to get ahold of you if needed.
There are other aspects of owning and using surface water rights that are the owner’s responsibility. These include understanding your water right(s). water rights are issued and defined by the Idaho Department of Water Resources. Irrigation water must be used for a ‘beneficial’ purpose, and the water must be used, or the right can be subject to forfeiture after a period of time. There are options for protecting unused water rights, including placing (or banking) the water right into the Idaho Water Bank.
Actions required to bank your water rights: Contact IDWR for the proper forms to fill out to bank your water rights, present the water bank application to both surface water sub-district boards for approval of the request, upon receipt of the sub-districts “Certificate of Action” (written approval) mail the Water Bank application with district approvals to IDWR.